My Thoughts On New Year’s Diets: W.T.A.F.
Happy New Year! YOU get a diet, and YOU get a diet, and YOU get a diet! Everyone gets a diet! It’s that time of year again. Can you smell it in the air? That’s
Happy New Year! YOU get a diet, and YOU get a diet, and YOU get a diet! Everyone gets a diet! It’s that time of year again. Can you smell it in the air? That’s
guest post by Zach Scott, nutrition student at Winthrop University It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting colder, holiday music is on every radio station (relentlessly), you may be scrambling to organize
Guest blog by Winthrop University student, Zachary Scott We all want to live longer, healthier, higher quality lives. However, those of us who live in America and much of the western developed world have seen
Guest blog by Your Fitness Dietitian intern Amanda LaPorte. Follow Amanda on Instagram. Do you feel like you have been doing all the “right” things but are still underperforming? Maybe you are getting injured more
Guest post by Winthrop University nutrition student, Zachary Scott Picture a stereotypical healthy physique. What comes to mind? Healthy is a very subjective term, but the majority of us would envision an athletic, muscular physique.
Guest blog post by Winthrop University Nutrition Intern, Zachary Scott Go ahead and place your hand on your tummy. You may feel a little rumble if you have skipped breakfast, or a little distention if
Guest blog contributed by Your Fitness Dietitian intern Amanda LaPorte. You can find Amanda on Instagram at @theflexing_flexitarian Tired of seeing fad diets everywhere? Yeah, me too. As tiring as it might be to see everything getting
If you’re a runner, you know that the first thing you check before heading out for a run is the weather. Is it raining? Is it hot? What’s the humidity? And if you’re a seasoned
It’s summertime up here in the northern hemisphere, guys. And pretty much anywhere in the US will get hot over the next few months. The number 1 easiest thing you can do to support your
Do you ever not feel like eating after a hard workout? Well you know you need to, right? The first 30-60 minutes after a workout are your body’s prime window for refueling! But sometime the